- scheduler
- placement
- allocation
- dynamic placement for clustered web applications
- Entropy- a Consolidation Manager for Clusters
- A scalable application placement controller for enterprise data centers
- A Scalable Application Placement Controller for Enterprise Data Centers
30秒内,上千的机器和上千实例高质量的放置方案。 应用的动态扩缩容。
- 满足最大的应用放置需求
- 最少启动、停止应用
- 物理机的均衡度
The placement problem is NP hard.
- approximation algorithms 近似算法 [6] A. Karve, T. Kimbrel, G. Pacifici, M. Spreitzer, M. Steinder, M. Sviridenko, and A. Tantawi. Dynamic Application Placement for Clustered Web Applications. In the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), May 2006. [8] T. Kimbrel, M. Steinder, M. Sviridenko, and A. N. Tantawi. Dynamic Application Placement Under Service and Memory Constraints. In International Workshop on Efficient and Experimental Algorithms, 2005.
Objective Virtual Machine Placement in Virtualized Data Center Environments
- In this paper, a two-level control system is proposed to manage the mappings of workloads to VMs and VMs to physical resources.
- a multi-objective optimization problem
- minimizing total resource wastage 资源最小浪费
- power consumption 电量消耗少
- thermal dissipation costs 热能消耗(需要冷却系统来保证机房在安全温度)
- 算法
- An improved genetic algorithm (改进的遗传算法) with fuzzy multi-objective evaluation(模糊的多目标评估?)
- 目的是:
- 高效的搜索大的解空间
- 便于兼备优化的冲突目标
- 和4个知名的装箱算法(bin-packing)/2个单目标优化方法的比较,从如下几个方面比较
- power-consumption(电力消耗)
- thermal-dissipation models
- good performance
- scalability
- robustness
- 优势
- 当其他的算法无法做到时,该算法能寻找到优化冲突目标存在的均衡的解
- 使用场景
- the problem of initial VM placement/VM的初始调度(where a number of requests for VMs are to be placed to the available physical resources. )
- 机房刚开始运营、重置、空置后重新启用。有一批VM需求,批量来放置。
- 一次性放置
- 尝试搜索最优解
- 优化目标
- 高效实用多维度资源(CPU/Memory/disk…)
- 避免热点(hot spots)
- 减少能量(电能)消耗
- [不是该论文的目标]在可接受的时间里,找到一个近视最优解(Intelligent search)
- 目标:搜索全局最优解,模糊逻辑(fuzzy-logic)的评估方法来综合不同的优化目标。??
- 其他场景
- Dynamic VM placement,动态放置(迁移)
- [2]background
- [3]framework
- [4]描述问题和提议的解法
- [5]实验结果、分析算法的性能
- [6]相关工作
- [7]总结论文
[2] background
- combinatorial optimization
multi-objective optimization and fuzzy logic
- combinatorial optimization(组合优化) and genetic algorithms(遗传算法)
- NP-hard:scheduling/packing/placement
- Heuristic techniques(启发式算法/方法/技术),求解近似解 solving optimization problems in an approximate way / global optimal solutions
- genetic algorithms(遗传算法),能很好的解决 combinatorial problem(组合问题)
- Grouping Genetic Algorithm
- ranking-crossover, 不直接使用随机的crossover
### 启发法(Heuristic techniques)
- 不保证最优、完美、最合理
- 足够快速、短期目标、近似解法
- 搜索最优解释不可能或者不可实现(NP hard),启发法可以用来加速搜索满意的解
NP hard
很多组合问题(combinatorial problems)被分类为NP-hard
- 调度(scheduling)
- 装箱(bin packing)
- 放置(placement) 遗传算法(genetic algorithms)常被用来解决组合问题
- approximate global optimum 近似全局最优
- precise local optimum 精确的局部最优
《A Multi-objective Approach to Virtual Machine Management in Datacenters》
- dynamic VM placement(动态放置,二次迁移)
- ThermalEmergency
- Resource Contention
- Low Energy Efficiency
- Condition Detection (trigger a VM-migration)
- 怎么检测准确,避免无效的迁移
- Virtual Machine Selection (选择要迁移的VM)
- Thermal Emergency
- Resource Contention
- Low Energy Efficiency
- Host Selection(迁移的目标机器)
- Temperature
- cooling cost
- Power
- Performance
- 其他相关工作
- VMware’s Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
- CPU & Memory
- 不考虑温度、电力消耗
- VMware Distributed Power Management (DPM)
- 物理机使用的数量
- 关掉不使用的物理机
- 不考虑: 资源竞争、热效应、VM迁移的影响
- VMware’s Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
《Dynamic Placement for Clustered Web Applications》
use clustering technology to provide scalability, high availability and load balancing.
- Placement Algorithm
- Residual placement
- Incremental placement
- Rebalancing placement
- 评估方法 Evaluation criterion
- Gini index
《A scalable application placement controller for enterprise data centers》
- within 30 seconds
- solutions for hard placement problems with thousands of machines and thou- sands of applications
- to maximize the total satisfied application demand
- to minimize the number of application starts and stops
- to balance the load across machines.
- 和 state-of-the-art algorithms 对比。
- 提速 134 倍
- 减少97%的开、停机
- 满意度提升25%
- request router 路由
- admission control 访问控制
- flow control 流量控制
- load balancing 负载均衡
- 抽象为:多项限制的多背包问题。多个优化目标
- 满足最大量的需求
- 尽可能少的开、停机
- 均衡负载
- This problem is a variant of the Class Constrained Multiple- Knapsack problem
- bin packing 装箱问题
multiple knapsack 多重选择背包问题
- 流程
- 算出一个放置方案
- 执行器,执行停止、启动任务
- 定时循环
- 假设
- 应用没有请求量,也会消耗对应的内存
- 内存的消耗,memory consumption is often related to prior application usage rather than its current load due to data caching and delayed garbage collection.
- 简化
- 只考虑CPU和内存,当然也可以处理其他的资源
- placement algorithm 具体的放置算法
- 定时循环优化放置问题
- 所有的应用都满足,那么就结束
- 有不满足的,就停止其他不需要的,然后启动需要新需求的
- 实例运行状态分类
- idle 空闲
- underutilized 不完全使用
- fully utilized 完全使用
- Key Ideas
- 同一时间只考虑单独的机器,降低计算时间
- 只考虑单独机器,放置可能不合理,所以:执行多轮,前面一轮停掉的实例资源,就可以分配给后面一轮的需求
- 考虑CPU/Memory的比例
- 减少变更(如:pinned实例,就不会变动)
- Proof 证明
- contradiction 使用反正
- The placement-changing
increase the total satisfied application demand
- 第一尽可能多的满足实例的放置需求
- 满足的数量一样的话,那就是尽可能少变动实例(不要停止、开启)
- 算法评估
- performance
- execution time
- the number of placement changes
- the demand satisfaction
- 可以支持上千的机器和实例(应用)
- 实例(应用)的变化也很少(相比其他的算法)
- 三方面的提高
- 执行时间 (the strategy that does place- ment changes to machines one by one in an isolated fashion.)
- 应用的需求满意度 (its load-shifting heuristics and the strategy that first does placement changes to the ma- chines with a high CPU-memory ratio. )
- 应用的变化数量 (Two heuristics in the new algorithm help reduce placement changes:application instance pinning and machine isola- tion.)
- performance
《Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg》
- long-running services that should “never” go down(e.g., Gmail, Google Docs)
for internal infrastructure services (e.g., BigTable)
- 很多系统都是建在Borg之上的
- MapReduce system
- FlumeJava
- Millwheel
- Pregel
- GFS/CFS, BigTable
- Megastore
- 分为两类系统
- production(prod)
- non-production(non-prod)
- 中等规模
- 10k machines
限制/约束 分强、弱(hard/soft)
- 相关工作
- Facebook’s Tupperware
- Twitter’s Aurora
- Microsoft’s Autopilot
- Microsoft’s Apollo
《Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes》
Borg 和 Kubernetes 介绍比较多。 Omega相对比较少
- container 管理系统
- Borg-> Omega-> Kubernetes
- Borg
- long-running services
- batch jobs
- 经验教训
- Don’t make the container system manage port numbers
- Don’t just number containers: give them labels
- Be careful with ownership
- Don’t expose raw state
《An Overview of Openstack Architecture》
modular & highly configurable architecture
- Computing
- Nova:
- Glance: Image Service
- Networking
- Neutron: networking
- IP’s
- VLAN’s
- Neutron: networking
- Storing
- Swift:Openstack Object Storage
- Cinder:Openstack Block Storage & Cinder Volumes
- Shared services
*Keystone: authentication
- Horizon:dashboard
- Ceilometer:configurable
- Advanced Message Queue Protocol:messaging
《Dynamic Resource Allocation with Management Objectives— Implementation for an OpenStack Cloud》
- a set of controllers that allocate resources to applications
- cooperate to achieve an activated management objective
- Management objectives define the strategies according to which resources are allocated to applications.
- balanced load objective
- minimizing power consumption
- fair resource allocation
- 【】want to satisfy several management objectives at the same time
- an optimization problem.
- colocation constraint
- anti-colocation constraint
descheduling & coscheduling
- Related work
- VSphere’s resource management system is the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
Microsoft Sys- tems Center (MSC)
- OpenStack
- Nova 计算
- API(http)
- compute(Rpc)
- conductor(Rpc)
- Nova-scheduler(Rpc)
- 依赖placement
- 水平扩展能力和方案 Both schedulers are able to scale horizontally, so for high-availability purposes, or for very large or high-schedule-frequency installations, you should consider running multiple instances of each scheduler. The schedulers all listen to the shared message queue, so no special load balancing is required.
- Queue
- placement
- migration
Cinder Scheduler
- Keystone: Authentication service.
- Glance: mirroring service.
- Nova: Computing services.
- Cinder: Block storage service.
- Neutorn: Network service.
- Swift: Object storage service.
- Nova 计算
无状态(stateless) & 扩展(scaling) Nova
read nova source code
- Distributed Computing
- In parallel computing, all processors may have access to a shared memory to exchange information between processors.
- In distributed computing, each processor has its own private memory (distributed memory). Information is exchanged by passing messages between the processors.
- CFS-Completely Fair Scheduler